lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

«It was a stupid madness Moral schedule "Moses and Aaron... -"»

?Fue crazy est?pida Antonio Moral schedule "Moses und Aron" ?, asegur? yesterday, Gerard Mortier, director art?stico of the Theatre Royal, during the presentaci?n of the ?pera of Schoenberg which opens in Madrid Friday in concert versi?n.

SER? Belgian conductor that finally meets a sue?o caressed during a?os by several of its predecessors in the Coliseum madrile?o, and that was about to culminate in the 2010-2011 season when the previous director art?stico, Antonio Moral, program? with a mounting made in coproducci?n with the ?pera of Vienna, and for which was initially desembols? 200,000 euros, while the 100.00 remaining is pagar?an when the premiere to take place.

However, the conclusi?n of his contract and the arrival of Mortier, that asumi? the programaci?n of the season, not made possible the premiere already the Belgian Director of the desestim? considering that they didn't have the quality conditions: ?El choir was not prepared, the producci?n, that cost? 410,000 euros (seg?n sources of this peri?dico the amount was 800,000 euros)(, which Vienna ?pera aport? 500.00) wasn't good and adem?s was removed from the scene, Willy Decker direcci?n hab?a (you sustituy? Nickler challenge). "Moses und Aron" is a work that requires an excellent ejecuci?n? be justific? Mortier. ?Habl? with the expected musical director, Paul Daniel, and agreed with me that under these conditions not be pod?a hacer?, a?adi?. In terms of the money already paid by the Real, Mortier asegur? hab?a ?renegociado with the ?pera of Vienna to another producci?n?.

Moral ten?a originally planned brand new this mounting of ?Moses und Aron? (which you could see in Vienna in June 2006) as opening of the 2009-2010 season, but the conflict with the titular chorus then made it impossible, so opt? wait to the current had formed. However, for the Mortier not ten?a enough experience since its opini?n this work requires a two a?os preparaci?n - ?el the Real podr?a choir sing this ?pera in 2016? asever?.

Two a?os is the time that has been working on this score the EuropaChorAkademie, than the interpretar? now in Madrid. A choral agrupaci?n formed by m?sicos from all over Europe, ?hay many espa?oles?, subray? Sylvain Cambreling, conductor of ?Moses und Aron?, which is not stable and is re?ne for each one of the projects that address.

The condici?n of many of its members, ?son m?sica?, seg?n Mortier students, is another of the attractions of this bet because that has prevented it from increasing the project whose budget rises to 400,000 euros?, Mortier indic? m?s ?algo, (the exact figure is 487.000 euros). Something similar happens with the Orchestra, the SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden, ?que belonging to the radio its objective is not to win dinero?.

As? the two concerts (7 and 9 September) nearly half costar?n EUR mill?n (in a statement issued by the company of the Royal comit? this summer was the budget in a euro mill?n m?s). ?Con in box office sales and sponsorship (Agualogy), the cost is cero?, sentenci? Mortier. ?Hay that have much inventiveness to save lot of money. And this is the best thing that you can do with an enorme? quality.

One lot less than if budget was made in staged versi?n, ?la I did in Salzburg with Pierre Boulez cost? three euros?, the Belgian director record? million. In that ocasi?n is trat? a producci?n to viaj? from the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, along with his Orchestra and the baton of the renowned director franc?s Pierre Boulez, and which could see four functions in the Austrian festival of 1996.

Sylvain Cambreling, who returns to the Real front of the SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden (the same formaci?n than ?San As?s? Francisco particip?), tambi?n wanted to clarify the ?ventajas? e ?inconvenientes? do this ?pera masterpiece of the 20th century, in versi?n staged or concert versi?n. ?Siempre atr?s I have missed because I have not found a versi?n esc?nica that I convinced the suficiente?, confes?.

And be mostr? supporter of offer in concert ?pues allows you to use all the space of the stage required for a large Orchestra like this that has 60 strings, percusi?n, pianos... Something that ser?a very dif?cil placed in a staged versi?n, ?ya which presents greater difficulties t?cnicas in the foso?.

?Moses und Aron? reunir? on the stage of the actual m?s 230 m?sicos, between soloists, chorus and Orchestra. The arrival of the cast it was scheduled for yesterday afternoon, after his actuaci?n in the Berl?n Filarm?nica the last d?a September 2, next to the Lucerne Festival, they share this project with Madrid.

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