lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Woyzeck Teatre reflects on the madness by the death in 'Delirium' - what is


The drama Woyzeck compa??a indagar? in different forms of dealing with death and any c?mo can reach end of madness in the 'Delirium' work, which can be seen on September 30 in room Porta4 of Barcelona.

The work, which takes place in the lounge of one House and advocates a simple escenograf?a of family atmosphere, counts in the interpretaci?n with Mireia Guilella, Mariona Casanovas, Ferran Herrera and Gaston Gilabert, said the Director, Patty Santos, speaking to Europa Press.

It has been se?alado that the aim of the work is "dissect the human being" and motivate in ?ste a reacci?n to the bestiality that a person can think and feel, and think about the depresi?n to understand the person concerned.

It has been pointed out that 'Delirium' vertebra through universal behaviors and topics that are part of the human being, but always with a clear "tendency to stand in the end" - a constant in the compa??a parts.

Santos has highlighted the theme of death, which flies over the work at all times, and has made hincapi? in which there is the pretensi?n flee the superficiality with which it is moving away from the generalizaci?n and break the fear or tab? prevailing in society.

Finally, he stressed the importance of the di?logo and the role of the actors, who must provide the scene of charisma and recreate the acci?n and the environment with its presence.

Actor Gaston Gilabert, who plays Arnau, highlighted c?mo 'Delirium' explores the depth of being "until it touches the soul", so that each scene tends to the end and is sit?a at the foot of the vac?o.

Also it has coincided with the Director in establishing the death as a central hub, the first spring that activates the incomunicaci?n between the characters, and has Apostille that its strength lies in that "death alerts or you can schedule".

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